Talk About Daily activities BSI 2017 BROADCASTING

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Talk About Daily activities BSI 2017 BROADCASTING

Talk About Daily activities

I Start Work At 5
Daniel : So, do you usually come to the gym in the morning?
Helen : Yeah, i do.
Daniel : Really? What time do you go to work?
Helen : I work in the afternoon. I start work at five.
Daniel : Wow, that’s late. When do you get home at night?
Helen : I usually get home at midnight.
Daniel : Midnight? That is late. What do you do, exactly?
Helen : I’m a TV announcer. I do the weather report on KNTV.
Don’t you recognize me?
Daniel : Oh! You’re Helen Black. I love your show! By the way,
I’m Daniel....

Answer these question based on the dialogue above.
1. What time does helen go to work?
2. Who is Helen?
3. What do they talk about?
After reading the dialogue and answering the question then
create your own dialogue with your friend. The dialogue must

contain about your daily activities.

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